15 Most Anticipated Movies In 2016

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2016 is finally here and as you cool off from Star Wars fever there are several films to look forward to this new year. 2015 presented us with record-breaking films such as Jurassic World but mainly Star Wars: The Force Awakens and action blockbusters with Mad Max: Fury Road. This year looks to be an even bigger year full of comic book movies, returning franchises as well as original offerings. This is our picks of the top 15 most anticipated movie of 2016.

15. Bourne 5 (July 29th)

Paul Greengrass and Matt Damon reunite to bring Jason Bourne back. Additional cast members include Alicia Vikander and Tommy Lee Jones. We don’t know much about the film as of yet but we do know that Greengrass knows how to make a good Bourne film and we can’t wait for it.

14. The Nice Guys (May 20th)

Shane Black directs this action comedy starring Russell Crowe as a LA detective buddying up with rookie cop Ryan Gosling, investigating the suicide of a fading porn star. We know this would be an exciting buddy cop movie as shown from Shane Black’s famous Lethal Weapon. The trailer looked hilarious and we’re looking forward to the comedy sides of Ryan Gosling and Russel Crowe which looks to be a great team-up.

star trek beyond anticipated movie 201613. Star Trek Beyond (July 22nd)

When the first trailer dropped last month it got unnoticed due to the Star Wars frenzy, but those who caught it had mixed reactions. However, the first two films directed by J.J. Abrams were great and highly entertaining. With Abrams off the director seat, Fast and Furious director Justin Lin takes on this third movie. Star Trek Beyond still retains its strong cast including Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana and Simon Pegg. The film also adds Idris Elba as the villain and Kingsman’s Sofia Boutella. We can tell from the trailer that this would be a very fun Star Trek outing.

12. Assassin’s Creed (December 21st)

Video game movie adaptations have mostly been disappointing.  Assassin’s Creed looks like an exception because of its cast and its story. Michael Fassbender is the lead in this film with Marion Cotillard and Jeremy Irons. A great cast like this should mean the acting should be powerful. Players of the video game franchise know that the story is very interesting, so we hope that it stays true the material with story and script. Video game movies end up poor due to being altered too much.

11. Ghostbusters (July 18th)

Does Ghostbusters need a reboot? Probably not but if we are, this looks like the perfect way to do it. An all female lead of great comedic actresses and Bridesmaids & Spy director Paul Feig. Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon (who both are brilliant in Saturday Night Live) are our Ghostbusters. It doesn’t get more promising than this, this will be very enjoyable to watch.

10. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (November 18th)

A movie based on a textbook owned by Harry Potter. Interesting. Four-time Harry Potter director David Yates and Harry Potter series producer David Heyman brings the wizarding world back. Not to mention the screenplay has been written by none other than J.K. Rowling. You just know that this film will be great and successful. The film will show us how wizarding life was in 1920s New York starring Eddie Redmayne as Newt Scamander. We hope to be wowed in this magical journey once again when Fantastic Beasts arrives later this year.

9. Doctor Strange (November 4th)

Marvel and Benedict Cumberbatch, any film that both are linked with we’re sold. Marvel Studios bring the mystical and magical side of the MCU with Doctor Strange directed by Scott Derrickson. Neurosurgeon Stephen Strange discovers a world of magic after surviving a car crash that gives him powers. Benedict Cumberbatch looks brilliant as Doctor Strange from first official photos released and we cannot wait to see this side of Cumberbatch and the MCU.

8. Finding Dory (June 17th)

It’s been nearly 13 years since we saw Nemo, Marlin and Dory and now they’re finally back this year in Finding Dory. We go through a journey through the ocean once more in search of Dory’s family. Ellen DeGeneres is back to voice the forgetful Dory with Albert Brooks also reprising his role as Marlin. Finding Nemo grabbed many hearts and was highly successful so we don’t expect that this film won’t have a huge audience. Pixar hardly disappoints with their features, we sure hope it won’t be any different this summer where we remember to just keep swimming.

jb7. The Jungle Book (April 15th)

Disney’s live-action version of The Jungle Book helmed by Jon Favereau looks to be a visual masterpiece from the first trailer released, showing realistic CGI of the animals we all knew from our childhood and the jungle scenery. This has a stellar cast of beloved actors such as Billy Murray as Baloo, Ben Kingsley as Bagheera and Scarlett Johanson as Kaa. This film looks to be loved by children as well as adults as watch Mowgli’s journey in the jungle.

6. X-Men: Apocolypse (May 27th)

Bryan Singer takes the director’s seat once again after his brilliant return to the X-Men franchise with X-Men Days of Future Past and this looks like an even bigger film. The world’s first and most powerful mutant Apocalypse (Oscar Isaac) awakens after thousands of years and recruits Magneto & other mutants to create a new world order. Charles Xavier/Professor X (James McAvoy) with Raven/Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence) lead a team of young X-Men, including Jean Grey and Cyclops, to help prevent Apocalypse from wiping mankind. Despite some mixed views on the look of Isaac as Apocalypse, this film looks promising with a huge cast of talented actors and a lot of action.

5. Deadpool (February 12th)

The Merc with a mouth is finally getting his own film with Ryan Reynolds starring as the hilarious, deadly anti-hero (We do not speak of X-Men Origins: Wolverine). It looks like this film stays true to its material and everyone is loving what they’re seeing so far. Getting a R rating is what it this character needs and this creates more excitement for this film. This could be the funniest Marvel movie and can hopefully boost Fox’s morale after the hugely disappointing Fantastic Four. We can’t wait for the moments  of him breaking the fourth wall and the rude humour. This is going one hell of a fun movie.

4. Suicide Squad (August 5th)

Suicide Squad is a new take on comic book movies as it focuses on a group of villains instead of heroes. Directed by David Ayer, this film has created a lot of buzz from their comic con trailer and their ensemble cast with Will Smith as Deadshot, Viola Davis as Amanda Waller, Margot Robbie playing Harley Quinn and Jared Leto as The Joker. Amander Waller creates a team of villains called Task Force X assigned to a secret government mission. This film looks so dark and gritty, we’re hoping to see some memorable performances here especially from Jared Leto, who has big shoes to fill from the late Heath Ledger, and Margot Robbie who looks to be the perfect casting for Harley Quinn.

3. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (December 16th)

Star Wars: The Force Awakens delivered and fans would love more and we’re getting it. Rogue One is a Star Wars Anthology movie set before the events of Episode IV: A New Hope, following a group of resistance fighters and their mission to steal the plans for the original Death Star. Directed by Gareth Edwards and starring Felicity Jones as the lead role, supported by Forest Whitaker, Mads Mikkelsen, Alan Tudyk and more. We’re also hoping for a cheeky cameo from Darth Vader.

2. Captain America: Civil War (May 6th)

Captain America: The Winter Soldier is arguably one of the best or the best film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Civil War could be just as good. The Russo Brothers are back to direct this third Captain America film which initially is Avengers 2.5 since all of them are present, apart from Thor and Hulk. Members of the Avengers take sides when the government plans to regulate the team after the events from last year’s Age of Ultron, one team led by Steve Rogers/Captain America (Chris Evans) who’s against it, and the other led by Tony Stark/Iron Man (Tony Stark) who supports it. It’s even more exciting as we see the introduction of Black Panther (Chadwick Bosman) and MCU’s Spider-Man (Tom Holland). It’s going to be an emotional battle between friends and we can’t wait.

1. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 25th)

It’s Batman and Superman on the same screen for the first time, of course this was going to be the most anticipated movie. At first, there were many mixed views of Ben Affleck being cast as Batman for this film, but as we saw more footage from trailers, views became positive and we are very excited to see what Ben Affleck will bring. Following the events from 2013’s Man of Steel, Batman isn’t too fond of Superman and thinks he’s a threat and BOOM….Batman v Superman. Awesome. We also get to see the big screen debut of Wonder Woman played by Gal Gadot, who looks brilliant from what we’ve seen so far.  Henry Cavill returns as Superman in the film which sets the stage for 2017’s Justice League (hence Dawn of Justice), we’re all hyped to to see this, so this is a no brainer of it being one of the top grossing films of 2016.

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